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Little Gunga

A person who is silly & cute, and most likely doing something at the moment that makes him or her look stupid or immature. Can also refer to a little baby boy.

"I'm gonna get crunk tonight and have sexy time with lots of guys!"

"You are a Little Gunga!"

by Steph&Brit February 7, 2009

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Little Swimmer

Young children who invariably wander in to a pool and drown each year during summer months.

I was reading the paper and saw we had our first little swimmer of the year.

by Charles Sm1th October 22, 2011

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Little Nell

next to frank n furter te best character in the rocky hotrror picture show

it was great when it all began: I was a regu-LAH frankie fan:but it was over when he had this plan: to start-a working on a muscle man: now the only thing that keeps me whole: is my love of a certian dole:rose tint my workd keeps me safe from the trouble and pain:

by Amanda November 24, 2003

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Little Kim

Small midget-girl with a gnome-hat and gnome-boots

You' little like that Kim lady.

by bastardized bottomburp May 28, 2003

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Little Bitch

A little bitch has nothing to do with masculinity and has more to do with integrity. A little bitch is someone who makes shit up, bends the truth to make themselves loook better. Such as saying they got a hand job from Sarah Pearson or drank 11 beers at the party when they only drank one beer that whole night. Made popular by the Netflix Series American Vandal.

A term used to describe Alex Trimboli.
Peter to Dylan: β€œwhy would he say he saw you?”
Dylan: β€œI don’t know dude, maybe because he’s a little bitch”
Dylan: β€œA little bitch is more like, uh more like someone who makes shit up”

by RealDealMarinePoole October 5, 2018

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Little Brittle

A man so white and skinny that the only way to describe him is to say "that boy needs a cheesburger."

If your leg is the same size as your arm and your nickname is little brittle......you might need a cheesburger.

by the ass pirate September 18, 2007

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Little Girlfriend

What a side chick says to her man when she suspects he has sex with a lot of females in his respective town, city or municipality. Coined by pop artist RealPartyKid.

Boyfriend: You know it's only you...
Side Chick: Say that to your little girlfriend around here.

by Luther Blisette April 2, 2016

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