When a pregnant woman belly flops on a body of water in order to induce an abortion
Did you hear Cathy fell off that steamboat?
Yeah, rumor has it she was trying for a Mississippi Miscarriage
When you shit on someone’s stomach and push it down with a tennis racket
I’m going to give him a Mississippi hot waffle
When you are having anal sex and you pull out and jizz on their face. Then use your cox like a paint brush spreading the jizz and truffle butter on their face.
I gave my old lady a mississippi mud mask and now she got pink eye.
Placing pez in your pee hole before you nut inside an orifice
Bend over, looks like you need a Mississippi blow gun!
The most deplorably, heinous act of participating in sexual congress with one's "sister" and "mother" at the same time.
Now Virgil I'm gonner tell ya, last Saturday night was a real hum-dinger. Me and my sister Tootsie-Lou was "bumpin' nastys" all hot and heavy out in the barn and then come Maw bustin up in there like wildkat demon in heat and hollered "Woooooo Weeeeeee!!! I sho do want in on this here so don't y'all be stingy with the stank!!!"
Well lo and behold! There I was all up in the middle of my first Mississippi 3 Way!!! I figger I'm ready fer big city livin' now!!!!
5 dudes and 1 chick in a sexual relationship
Carl and the boys had a Mississippi meat pie with Candice after her shift
Taking a bong rip, inserting your face between someone's buttcheeks. And blowing the hit directly into their asshole.
"Woah man, why'd you fart a cloud?"
-"Oh that? Thats a Mississippi Ghost."