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who cares? ..................................................................

person 1> where do you wanna go today?
person 2> i dunno, stupid mississipi?

by BOFH and Tazz July 9, 2004

22👍 74👎

mississipi mudslide

(noun) Usually used as a tactic of revenge/humiliation. Upon planning to have anal sex with a man, a woman consumes a healthy dose of laxatives. Then, once the action begins, she proceeds to shit all over his genitals and legs, leaving him absolutely appalled. As he stands in horror, she turns around and swiftly kicks him in the balls.

Still angry over being racooned, she invited him over for the evening, only to completely humiliate him with a Mississipi Mudslide.

by Radam Rutchison November 19, 2006

75👍 13👎

Mississipi Mudslap

While induring intercourse, bend over your partner and place your anus above his/her mouth and let out a load apon there mouth cavity, then the a Male dip's there testicals in the soiled mouth, thus getting the nuts wet with runny pooh and stamping it along the backside of the opposing partner.

Man, last night was so fun, Lisa let me Mississipi MudSlap her til' she looked like a cheetah.

by Pmiester & T-ray June 22, 2011

27👍 13👎

Mississipi slinky slap

The mississipi slinky slap is when you pull your moist dick out of another man and and he procedes to grasp it until it turns blue, then he will give it a nice slap with a 2 by 4. This will knock your balls into your own asshole. Illegal in all countries.

When tim pulled the mississipi slinky slap on me, i couldnt get my balls out of my ass for a week.

by Slapyoballswitha2by4 November 15, 2017

Mississipi Moonsnooze

Is when an astronaut first takes his sperm into his mouth during sex and then sneezes into his partner's vagina with the intention of impregnating her despite the weightlessness of purer space and the slow speed of ejaculation.

"Oh boy, Igor sure moonsnozed me good last Night"

"Captain I am off my birthcontrol. Let's try a Mississipi Moonsnooze!"

by RaggaTheMuffin November 27, 2022

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