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Criticism about the president Barack Obama. Very taboo in most states within and around the first 100 days of presidency. Kept tightly to inner-social circles of those in the red states or those who prefer to be the ringing voice of contradiction.

Not recommended for those in bars or clubs, or for the morning after inaugurations or election days.

"You are the only one on Facebook I will take Obama-cism from, just because you are a friend of the family"

"Keep your Obama-cism to yourself, please!"

by Vita Lusty February 7, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Barack Obama

The 44th President of the United States. Defined by many people by many, and often opposing, terms and labels.

Barack Hussein Obama II (full name of Barack Obama) was sworn in as President of the United States on January 20, 2009.

by MickeyBravo1984 January 20, 2009

1421๐Ÿ‘ 8743๐Ÿ‘Ž

Barack Obama

The next president of the United States of America

Did you hear about president Barack Obama's awesome new policy?

by gerogelikesmusic August 21, 2008

1132๐Ÿ‘ 3595๐Ÿ‘Ž

Barack Obama

The future president of the United States which will be determined in November 2008. An inspirational man who will provide the change our country needs. He will fix our broken country by ending the war, lowering taxes (for the Middle Class, not just the rich like McCain wants), build up our economy, end foreign oil dependence, fight for universal health care, is pro-equal gay rights and pro-choice, and so much more. What could be better? If elected, he will be the first African-American president in histroy. Someone to truly look up to. A great public speaker who really knows what he's doing. If not elected, well, the U.S. is doomed.

Why would I vote for McCain? Does it look like I want 4 more years of President Bush? Hell naw, I'm voting Barack Obama!

by C.L.S. August 29, 2008

1331๐Ÿ‘ 5732๐Ÿ‘Ž

Obama hater

a person who hates spending of money on project that will not create jobs, how not apologize for everything that is not out nations fault, a gun loving, common sense, a person that know acorn is a communist organization logical, person with half a brain who thinks and does not want to see America become Europe

liberal hey your just a racist obama hater

a normal think american with commen sense

no i am just a user of commen sense and i like to keep my guns, money, and freedoms so go back to Chicago

by ifuckinghateobama July 2, 2009

434๐Ÿ‘ 445๐Ÿ‘Ž

Barack Obama

The 44th President of the United States of America.

Hope incarnate!

Owns at Basketball.

Owned John McCain.

If stuff Bush did before his term was up blows up, like the national debt grows larger, it's currently at $10 trillion. The Rich White Conservative, Neo-Nazi, Satanist men will blame Obama for Bush's complete and utter failure.

He's half Black and half White and cool at that.

Barack Obama is his name, Hope is his game.

by EazyNeva November 5, 2008

1281๐Ÿ‘ 4828๐Ÿ‘Ž

Barack Obama

Barack Obama is a democrat running in the presidential elections of 2008. He has a good chance to be the first black man to ever be president.

Unfortunately, because he is black, he get pumelled by the media for the dumbest shit. I just loooove this country.


"HOLY SHIT, Barack Obama's white southern mom's great great great great grandfather owned a slave!"

""What a horrible man. He just paid his college parking tickets now. What has life come to?"

"His dad made him go to a MADRASSA as a child!? That makes me question whether or not hes a terrorist. He says hes a christian now, but once youre a muslim, youre always a muslim, right?"

"Oh no! He dabbled in drugs when he was a youngster! Instead of taking care of my son who is probably getting high on meth while I don't know it, I'm gong to have a hissy fit because a candidate tried to hide that he was a smoker. Surely, having such a shameful habit, he should be open with us! How can we trust him?"

by Sereth March 25, 2007

1480๐Ÿ‘ 3300๐Ÿ‘Ž