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Old mate

1. An Australian colloquialism that can be used to refer to any person, animal or object, regardless of gender. The Term is also valid regardless whether old mate is present. The identity of old mate is generally indicated by the context of the phrase.
2. An Australia colloquialism that can be used to refer to anyone whose identity cannot be discerned, or is not known well by the person using the phrase.

Old mate came over to my place when he was stoned as fuck, and started firin' shotty shells at my fucking cat. The bastard...

by Old mate standing behind ya November 21, 2017

9๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Old Firm

Ingenious Scottish fuckwit identification scheme, whereby knuckle-dragging denizens of whichever godawful weegie hinterland are encouraged to wear either green- or blue- and white leisure gear, with optional cigarrette burns, homemade tattoos, and/or adidas baseball caps, thereby allowing the rest of us to avoid them.

"You can always tell when the Old Firm has been in town, the bins have been ravaged for food, and every shop doorway has been shat in"
"Yes, but their shellsuits add such a nice splash of colour"

by Aye, Right January 6, 2009

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Old Dogs

Fucking terrible movie, Robin Williams is satan.

Seeing the movie Old Dogs made me want to kick Robin Williams in the nuts.

by thedickhead December 24, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

old girl

the wife, especially if she's been married for many years.

My old girl and I are celebrating our big 25th together, and we've still got the hots for each other! ;-)

by mastergeemoe February 4, 2015

22๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

olde english

A type of malt liquor that tastes about as good as the ass of a natty light. Is perfect for those of us not members of the vanderbilt family b/c you can get fucked up for about 3-4$

yo, i aint gettin no corona or red stripe, do i look like a fucking vanderbilt? get me 4 old es im gettin shit housed tonight

by DD February 18, 2005

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old disney

disney before shit like hannah montana, the jonas brothers, and high school musical came out. Like everlife, jump 5, no secrets, britney spears, {that's so raven}, aaron carter, and other good singers and shows before the destruction of disney came out.

Man I wished old disney came back, fuck all these bubble gum pop bullshit faggot ass singers

by ryan secrest is a douchebag March 30, 2008

30๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

old baggison

a fat, old person, usually in their middle to late sixties. They tend to look much older then they actually are and typically have less than ten years to live. Often times, they can be seen on the beach wearing a speedo, but generally wherever they are they dress as if they are young people.

Unlike an old bag old baggison is not gender specific.

Person one: I saw some old baggisons on the beach today. They male baggison was wearing a speedo and his old baggison wife had a thong. I wanted to gouge my eyes out my eyes with a rusty spoon.

Person two: I saw an old baggison with a miniskirt. She bent over in front of me in Walmart and I went home and cried.

by udderly generic December 19, 2010

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