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(of a tense) expressing an action that has happened or a state that previously existed.

The past tense indicates an action that happened or a state that previously existed.

by Arminkshipper July 31, 2024


a past tense or form of a verb.

a simple past of the first conjugation

by Arminkshipper July 31, 2024

Half past moist

1: When it is not quite raining but water is falling at more than a sprinkle or a drizzle..

2: After a girl already climaxed and is still wet

"She's in a daze and still half past moist, I'm going back in!"

by Human_cum February 27, 2016

Blast from the past

A shot consisting of rum (most likely bacardi) and Bailey’s. The shot must be consumed quickly to avoid curdling.

Mike made a Blast From the Past and puked everywhere after

by yurtimdurt May 15, 2021

That ass is past due

Has large buttocks and or bottom

Darren saw Indi the other day and exclaimed, “ That ass is past due” in hopes to get her attention.

by OG_Savage23 July 28, 2023

when the corn is past it’s prime

simple, when taylor’s cooch is so far up, you can smell the corn!

hey pooh! look at taylor, that corn is coochie! when the corn is past it’s prime

by squigglysquirrels99 October 17, 2019

when the corn is past it’s prime

simple, when taylor’s cooch is so far up, you can smell the corn!

hey pooh! look at taylor, that corn is coochie! when the corn is past it’s prime

by squigglysquirrels99 October 17, 2019