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sonic poon

Multiple Queefs, one after another. At least 4 in a row are needed. Similar to a Sonic Boom, although if equal in loudness it's suggested the women seeks medical attention.

i) What the hell was that sound last night?

I reached Sonic Poon with some bar skank I picked up

by The Spike Returns March 10, 2009

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poon wagon

a sexual or romantic bandwagon; to be on the poon wagon means to be in a relationship or simply getting tons of ass. Typically a phrase used towards males.

Rodney: Hey man you've been hitting on her for weeks, just hop on the poon wagon already.

by BallsDeepInVaseline September 29, 2011

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poon shoppin

(verb) the act of seeking out, or shopping, for the poon vagina.

Sebastian: Yo, man! Want to go play chinese checkers?
Matthew: No way. I'm going POON SHOPPIN tonight!
Sebastian: I don't know what that is.
Matthew: I know, and you never will.

by call me matt October 13, 2008

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Female equivelant of e-peen

Dave, you have the bigger e-peen when it comes to gaming, but Veronica has the biggest e-poon!

by Mykrobe July 11, 2008

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Poon Sucker

Literally meaning one who performs oral sex on a female. However the dis is intended to insult the crap out of your foe by mentioning that he eats god aweful poon.

Dude, you just killed a bus full of nuns...you fucking poon sucker.

by Revilo Treblig June 6, 2004

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poon hunting

poon hunting-the act of young men going out on the town with the express intention of finding drunk, easy girls with whom they can engage in a host of sexual misdemeanours in public parks, toilets, alleyways etc created by the original hunters, Gibbs, Loch, and Barron

Boys it shall be long night, initiate the poon hunting. Soy!!!!

by G-bbs November 21, 2008

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poon catch

The portion of underwear where a girl's roast beef rests.

"Just to think of my alarm and distaste at the sight of him (Frisco Sockpuppet) nestled down in to the poon catch of my sister's greasy panties, made me sad, for I now know how desperate he must feel and angry that she changes them so often."

by Candy Muffinbaker October 14, 2006

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