Adina! Adina is the definition of SLAYY
E:Omg she's so slay!
S: Ofc she is she is Adina
doing great in something.
sometimes used in a bad way.
Slay what you wanna slay and let the slay, slout.
Coco is the most slay person ever, no one compares to coco ✨🫶🏼 if you even try to compare yourself to them, youll be dethroned from society because no one can be as slay as them, they are number 1 <33
something you can say whenever your hyping up your friend :)
*bestie is performing*
A form of encouragement, or you can just say it randomly.
Someone : “ I hate people who put milk before cereal!!”
Me: “your opinion, but slay tho”