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When someone interrupts you while you are enjoying a bowel movement in a toilet stall.

My friend anthony was dethroned at Bogarts when a stoner had the runs.

by SkSr November 25, 2005

19👍 5👎


When taking someones anal virginity and being unable to sit for a few days.

I dethroned that shit last night

by Micktopher July 7, 2011

11👍 9👎

boner dethroner

Someone or something that can get rid of a sexual feeling.

Thinking about baseball is a boner dethroner.

His/Her unibrow is a boner dethroner

by Danny Revolting August 21, 2006

52👍 7👎

god dethroned

A heavy metal band who, as you can probably guess, Dont like God too well.

misc. albums: Bloody Blashemy, Lair of the white worm.

by David April 16, 2005

26👍 10👎


To get circumcised in a sexual context

David got dethroned by their partner yesterday. They haven't been the same since.

by Ghoou June 23, 2022


when someone with a bad case of the runs throws you off the crapper mid-dump.

person 1: hey why u so sad

person 2: some douche dethroned me a while ago

person 1: well it seems somebody's having a crappy day

(insert trollface here)

by sensibleman5000 August 26, 2011