A less expensive version of the sport polo in which horses are replaced with bicycles, the plastic ball is replaced with a street hockey ball, and mallets are replaced with hockey sticks. Also, instead of a grass field, urban polo is played on concrete (a street, a parking lot, etc).
Urban polo is set up just like polo or street hockey, with a goal on opposite sides of the field and teams of two or more.
"Hey man, want to play some polo this weekend?"
"You know I can't afford a horse, let's play urban polo instead."
An urban pickle is an infected penis, or a man that has a STD such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Herpes etc. A penis so infected pus may be coming out, or sores on it. Described this way, because of how a pickle is green with bumps on the outside.
Can be used to insult a man, because he will screw anything, so Urban Pickle implies he is Nasty, gross, disgusting, and diseased.
" Girl, the only thing I see in this club is a jar full of Urban Pickles..."
"You best be getting tested girl...you been tasting too many urban pickles"
"No, I won't give you my number, I don't do Urban Pickles"
A smart guy named Scott or Scizzott that makes words found in the urban dictionary.
I wish I was a urban lexicographer like that sexy Scott