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Kick your butt to Timbuktu

To open up a can of whup ass on someone and kick their ass so hard that their carcass gets carried across the ocean by the trade winds before landing with a sickening thud in the main town square in Timbuktu. The person spits open and the withers into a pulp as their pants fall down into a disgusting spew of their brains, snot, piss, and shit. The locals celebrate by uploading humiliating photos and videos of the person to social media followed by feeding their entrails to hyenas for good fortune.

I’m gonna kick your butt to Timbuktu!

by IGKYA53 March 8, 2021

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Anal Dwelling Butt Monkey

No one actually knows what this means although it is a really insulting phrase

That girl Ashley is such an Anal Dwelling Butt Monkey.

by Jwak98 November 5, 2015

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under the nut butt hut

Another term for boxer and/or chonies.

Q: What's another word for a pair of boxers?

by TheHighGuyandTheDoN December 20, 2017

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jerk face butt hole

A friendly insult you use when playing with friends or just hanging with friends.

God dam it you win every time you jerk face butt hole.

by Everoo April 18, 2020

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Chicken nugget butt hole

A disgustingly rude, selfish, annoying, bratty girl.

Class mate: Ewww did u see that girl over there, she's such a Chicken nugget butt hole.

by yahhhhhmahnn March 10, 2020

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Slap-Happy Butt-Smackin' Deal

An offer you simply cannot refuse to give up.

"Want to go eat some shrimp at that one restaurant you like?"
"Well that sounds like a Slap-Happy Butt-Smackin' Deal, my good sir!"

by Cyrus9201 October 11, 2013

National butt grab day

21 of every month

It’s national butt grab day can’t wait

by Thot hunter 675 October 2, 2018

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