The act of pouring melting wax in the butthole of one's partner, while said partner spreads each cheek.
Hey man, has your girl ever given you a black wick
When a girl kicks you until your balls become black, resembaling a black hackysack.
Person 1: My girl gave me a black hackysack last night, i still cant sit down
Person 2: Damn that's crazy.
One that constantly kills indoor plants. The opposite of having a green thumb.
Ann killed all her house plants. She has a black thumb.
A Black Thumb is the male equivalent of a black widow. It's a toxic, narcissistic man who is poisonous to everyone he encounters, much like Henry the VIII. His heart is black as the underworld, and he's as attractive as a thumb, hence black thumb.
Her: Are you still dating Killian?
Me: That guy is a black thumb, I'm embarrassed I ever dated him.
When you mix grape and orange koolaid
Momma can you make some black koolaid
Black spreader are the person who have a darkside which is just too dangerous .
They will be attractive and makes you feel good , but be baware of them . They are always hated once you know well about them.
You even can't make them own.
Man 1 : he is a Black spreader / Dark spreader , don't go near him.
Man 2: How do you know?
Man 1: when you talk him , he will attractive and make u fell good , but his behaviour during when he is alone is somewhat very miraculous.