Taking a stick of butter and shoving it in a girls vagine, waiting for the butter to melt and drip on to a piece of bread or preferably an english muffin then feeding it to the girl.
Corey: Hey Sarah wanna go grab a bite to eat
Sarah: No thanks im already full from when Mark gave me the Smelly English Muffin this morning
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A form or use of the english language that tends to go off topic and constantly slur in speech. This form of english is common among most teenagers.
Guy 1: He dude are you alright?
Guy 2: Oh yeaah man, im joost fiiine... Is that what she really looks like?
Guy 1: Dude, you are speaking some major Sleep Deprived English.
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The attempt to quantify language by forcing parameters, such as Jane Schafer Method, on writers, and thereby inhibiting the creativity of entire student populations.
A concrete detail is always accompanied by two commentaries.
Body Paragraph = CD + CM + CM + CD + CM + CM
English teachers that think inside the box force their students to learn Plug and Chug English.
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See see a man about a wallaby.
I'm gonna go write an english paper.
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Loose association of football thugs, British nationalists, petty criminals and out-and-out-racists who claim they're defending the UK from Islamic extremism by going on Stella and Cocaine fuelled rampages through towns and cities with high muslim populations.
Popular songs on English Defence League demonstrations include "Allah is a Paedo", "Allah, Allah, Who the fuck is Allah?" "Burn A Mosque"and "We Want Our Country Back".
The English Defence League claims to be educating the population at large about the threat muslims, sorry, "islamic extremism" poses to "our way of life". They also think that pork products have the same effect on muslims that garlic has on vampires. Unsurprisingly, the population at large finds them to be varyingly rabid, pig ignorant, stultifyingly ill-informed or a combination of all three. Or doesn't even know who they are.
"Who are that bunch of sorry clowns that closed our town centre down last weekend?"
"What, the ones that look and sound like the National Front?"
"Yeah, that lot".
"Oh, that's the English Defence League".
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What illegal immigrants say to Americans when we ask them to do anything
-βexcuse me, can you please move your 3 shopping carts out of the way?β
Illegal- βme no speaka da Englishβ
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a place where you can do a poo.
even a kingham can :) ooh and a gordon :P
oh, im in a english country garden, let me just pull down my pants....
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