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Your Team

It's the end of the world and you and your friends are opponents. Only one of you can survive. You have to pick teams for your survival. The only problem is you can only put people on your opponents team. Basically, you pick the worst people you could possibly find and put them on your opponents team.

Guy with the velvet pants, no shirt, and a cowboy hat... Your Team.

by yourteammaster June 28, 2011

25๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

your mum

poor insult but a great phrase when havin a laff with friends

incorrect usage:

look at that fat b@!#$%ยฃ

erm ur mum

correct usage:

what are you doing tonite?

im doin your mum

i did her yesterday

is she good?

yes shes got a bucket!

mmm tasty

this conversation is not very funny in itself, the comedy comes from the way it is said and also the fact that your takin the p#ยฃ% out of someone who would say it for real

by jimbob the great October 25, 2006

34๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

your mom

1)The answer to every question that I ask anyone at my high school. Often said by either a) people who think it's fucking hilarious b) people who think it's fucking hilarious to make fun of people who think it's fucking hilarious, or c) people who are telling you to fuck off.
2) The person who gave birth to you. But not me.

1) (when I was a freshman noob)
Me: Hey, upperclassman senior man, could you please tell me where the bathroom is?
Upperclassman who think's he's fucking hilarious: Yeah, it's over near your mom. Fucking freshmen. (goes off to laugh with his senior freinds about how hilarious freshmen are)

2) I heard your mom was diagnosed with cancer the other day. Sure glad she's not my mom!

by noonsun November 30, 2008

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your mom

an amazing term used to describe anything you feel like. origins: dh ms ice hockey/napolean dynamite.

dude #1: dude this is getting old
dude #2: dude YOUR MOM is getting old


by holla back March 14, 2005

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Your Mom

worst comeback ever.

Steve: Your a douche

Bob: your mom is a douche!

by ghks1117 September 17, 2009

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Your weight

When your bro, points out a girl (Commonly referred to as blade or yoke) who is exactly your kind of girl. Not to be confused with actual body weight.

Bro! She is your weight.

by doitinadatsun October 2, 2018

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

There's your girlfriend!

This is said to a friend when you see any ugly slut or crack-whore walking down the street.

Me: 'Theres your girlfriend!'
You: 'Shit, I got burnt.'

by Diego November 19, 2003

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