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gravy chin

A thin person with no tone or muscle definition especially in their chin, the warning sign of a future double chin.

Girl: "I don't get it shes like thin but she has like a shapeless chin, like it has gravy in it, like a gravy chin"

by madgabchen November 18, 2011

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ofn gravy

Above ofn

Wanna hang? Hell ya ofn gravy

by Ofn gravy March 20, 2019

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gravy wave

n. Aussie surfer term for a special thunderous wave that comes at the end of a good day of banging about on the woolies.


What you reckon? Time to get home and grease the koala?

No, no! Hang about Fred! I think I see a gravy wave forming.

by gnostic3 November 3, 2016

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gravy dumpster

A woman from Ware with 7 kids by 7 different guys.

I saw 10 gravy dumpsters at WalMart today. Thats an all time low.

by Fupasloth508 July 11, 2017

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gravy special

When you are fucking a girl and you grab mash potatoes and stuff it in her vagina then proceed to have intercourse until you climax inside of her.

I have Ashely the gravy special last night.

by Chocolate drizzle August 31, 2018

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gravy pie

What your messed up co-worker eats for Thanksgiving.

Are you ready for some gravy pie tomorrow?

by jinglebot November 20, 2007

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Grim Gravy

The loose fat that dangles from a persons bi-cep when shaking their raised arm from left to right.

That bitch got some grim gravy.

by Orrrrrrrrson November 11, 2014

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