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Mary Jane

Mary Jane is a private school girl that excels at everything. That includes studying, swimming, and art. Especially art. She has a very big future planned ahead of her. She also has a great sense of witty humour and a pretty all teeth smile. Mary Jane has a great easy going personality and she is perfect for being a friendlike lover. Especially since she enjoys the little fun stuff like just chilling and having icecream. She may also be very honest and blunt. She also has a great sense of style. However although she may seem confident and perfect she is actually very insecure about loving and she wants a guy that would love her for who she is. She is probably also insecure about her body. She wants a guy to be devoted and communicative. Don't call her marijuana.

I'm thinking about asking Mary Jane out. She is amazing and real with people. I hope she goes out with me.

by Loyola2018 January 4, 2016

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The Queen Mary

A ship that was used in the early 1900's was bigger than the titanic, was used as a warship during WW2 but later it was converted back to a cruise ship now it is docked in Long Beach pier, it is supposed to be haunted

The Queen Mary is huge

by efgdjhfbsyubf October 16, 2006

28๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

mary jane

nickname for marijuana; many singers use this in their songs

"Last dance with Mary jane, one more time to kil the pain..."
-Tom Petty

by Mr. Ed March 8, 2005

794๐Ÿ‘ 408๐Ÿ‘Ž

mary jane

another word for weed.

police officer: are you smoking marijuana in there, sir?

stoner: no man, i'm just hangin with my girl mary jane.

police officer: where is she?

stoner: in my pocket *walks away*

by kbabbyyy July 12, 2009

38๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

johanna marie

The name of an italian or hebrew girl. usually sweet, hyper, and funny. but has a bitchy 'leave me the hell alone' side. she falls for guys quickly and gets confused over them easily, but she knows that one day she'll find her true love. usually tan skinned and beautiful, but doesnt have any self confidence. has a hurt past, but a bright future. she'll always have your back if you were once good friends. she cant stay angry at you forever.

did you see johanna marie?

yeah man,shes gorgeous

by its-the-truth. April 29, 2011

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mary poppins

the condition someone has of being so delusionally happy you want to punch the person.

Person 1:"I heard you're gettin' freakin' married...are you serious??? you know love doesn't last."
Person 2:"yes it does!!!!...I'm so EXCITED!!!"(said while smiling hard)
Person 2: "that is so freakin' Mary Poppins!!!!

by Dawn Frost July 18, 2005

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Macho Mary

A term used to describe masculine/macho male who is 'in-a-way' gay/sissy/feminine/metro-sexual.

Can also be used to describe things that appears to be tough, but actually is not what people would expect.

1. Despite his size, they call him Macho Mary.

2. Look at that Macho Mary over there, LOL.

3. World of Warcraft - Paladins are such Macho Mary.

by Insert Name Somewhere Here February 28, 2009

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