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Whore; someone who is fast, dirty, and full of traffic

Midler is an expressway

by Adam Baer July 11, 2008

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a highway for high-speed traffic, with few or no intersections and a divider between lanes of traffic moving differant directions

Interstate 66 is an expressway

theres your example, long enough for you>>>??!?!?!?!

by irishrepublicanarmy January 2, 2004

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Surekill Expressway

A highway otherwise known as the Schuylkill Expressway,or I-76,that winds through the Philadelphia area that seems to attract all kinds of craziness and congestion similar to that of the Bermuda Triangle.

Are you taking the Surekill Expressway?

by JoeNJ2 April 6, 2011

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aston expressway

Truely hard core road in north Birmingham, officially the A38(M). 7 lanes of mayhem, with tidal flow and no divider, which all ends up at Spaghetti Junction. Class.

The title screen of "Fifth Gear" on channel 5.

by oracle January 26, 2005

Bangkok Expressway

verb: the act of inserting a PVC pipe into the vagina and/or anus of a willing partner and subsequently rolling Hot Wheels down the temperary "expressway".

Barry: Hey Jody it 5:00. You know what that means!
Jody: I know its rush hour. I hate heavy traffic!
Barry: Not just rush hour, its time to take a ride down the "Bangkok Expressway"!
Jody: Ooooooooooh! Just be careful because last time we had a 20 car pile up and it messed up my colonoscopy!

by BnC baconator August 5, 2010

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Beachline Expressway

A straightaway in Florida (also known as Route 528; formerly known as Bee Line Expressway) between Orlando and Cocoa Beach. Speed limit is 70 but most cars go 100+ and get away with it.

*Cop 1: We seriously need to do something about those speeding cars going at least 30MPH over the limit on Beachline Expressway. All I did was to pull over cars 24/7 and write speeding tickets, and I am not even getting sleep! Plus, I didn't get to spend time with my mom on Mother's day.
*Cop 2: Yeah we should discuss this meeting. Let's see whether there are a lot of accidents from speeders and decide whether to raise speed limit to 90 or hire more traffic cops.

by NHRHS2010 May 10, 2011

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chocolate expressway

back door

Bob's wife wouldn't let him stick it in the chocolate expressway.

by jamestiberiuskirk November 6, 2010

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