The era of rapid superhero movie releases, marked by the release of "Batman Begins" which will continue on through June 19, 2020 with the release of DC's Green Lantern (subject to change).
Ah, do you remember The Age of Superhero Movies? That was the time, man.
Lame, Stupid, Waste of good films. Major 'pet peeve' amongst many people throughout the known world.
"I'm tired of these mother-loving snakes on this mother-loving plane!!!!" - Movie edited for television
see also Censorship
A movie or tv show that you've watched so many times that its familiarity comforts you. Often played to fall asleep to.
I couldn't sleep so I put on my warm-blanket movie, Happy Gilmore. I fell asleep during the opening credits.
A yawn-inducing sub-genre of Hollywood's inferior breed of horror-lite thriller films of the 2000s. It's typically a film that attempts to take everything that was great and terrifying about Damien's character in "The Omen" and "make it new."
Typically there is very little creativity and much recycled, cliché film-making techniques. An example is how every somewhat frightening or suspenseful scene is ruined by obnoxious orchestral cues intended to add to the tension, but ironically just serve to defuse it. Such an effect really only seems to act as a moral narrative or guidance and bracket the semi-interesting parts in these films so the audience can't take the film too seriously.
The commercial formula usually consists of a 90-minute run-time, rated PG-13, sprinkled with just enough names to draw in and slightly frighten (hence "horror-lite") its core, money-making crowd: white, American suburbanite teenyboppers on dates.
Needless to say, these films should be avoided. They offer little to no entertainment and insult the horror genre. Any producers associated with these films should be ashamed of themselves for funding such unimaginative trash.
Bless The Child, Godsend, The Plague, Orphan, etc.
"Wow, another Creepy Kid movie. I wonder what happens."
The other answer that came up for this is very untrue. They were probably just mad that Tanner is gay irl. Teen Beach Movie was there for us when our parents weren’t. If you never watched/ don’t like this movie, you never had a childhood and probably have parents that hate you. They also have sexy actors and actresses who can sing well.
Seacat from Teen Beach Movie is my daddy. 🤭
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Something you should absolutely positively NEVER search up.
redditor: don't search up space movie 1992, worst mistake of my life
joe: oh shit he was right
19👍 4👎
An utter disapointment that makes few funny jokes and strays from the orignial concept of the scary movie series.
"joke" from Scary Movie 4:
"What are you doing"
"I'm just grabbing some nuts!" *reaches over and grabs a bag of nuts*
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