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Social media

Something that’s amazing! Life changing, great, so many good things come from this. But wait..no it’s not. It’s pressure, anxiety. I’m sorry to bring the dark side down on things but I can’t help it. It’s bullying, pain, feeling worthless, feeling like you don’t measure up.

“Social media will be the death of me”

by floralbears229 November 5, 2018

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Social glue

(n.) A person that has multiple friends that don’t interact with eachother unless they happen to hang out together with that one person.

Ashley: Henning asked if you wanted to hang out with us after the lectures?
Tian: Sure. It is just the three of us or did he invite those friends from his high school again?
Ashley: Of course he did, he’s such a social glue...

by nutbox March 16, 2020

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Welcome to the social

A commercial phrase created by old, white, and obese marketing suits who try hard to be hip and down with the young and sophisticated.

According to the box, it says "Welcome to the social". I don't know what the fuck that means. I'm not impressed. Stop trying hard.

by Goetz December 1, 2006

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Social Tolerance

The liberal media's definition is you have to like and support it no matter what, not doing so means you're a racist or bigot.

That meaning is wrong. The true definition is you don't like it, support it, or encourage it. It means you just deal with it. It can still piss you off, but you just deal with it. So don't be fooled by the liberal media

South Park (where he tries to get fired from his job for being gay and explains the true definition of Social Tolerance).

Mr. Garrison:

" Look people toleranace doesn't mean you're forced to like it, or support. You just deal with it, it can still piss you off, BUT YOU JUST PUT UP WITH IT OK. Now, Can I please get fired so I can get my $25,000,000".

by Metal Pholosepher November 25, 2011

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Social Architect

A person who designs, devises, or constructs social interactions with a predetermined goal in mind. For example, if one such architect sought to maximize his or her sex appeal, or rather more generally their value, one would direct the flow of conversation in such a manner that portrayed the architect as one with the highest level of value, while also lowering the value of others to further elevate himself/herself. That being said, the goal of each individual architect may vary from simply "getting laid" to engineering the perspective of a generation.

Wow, that guy is acting like a Social Architect.

by Mandarin Foxes February 14, 2012

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social folly

When a mistake is made in public (through speaking or action) that causes hurt, embarrasment or harm to another person

Steve made a social folly , when he mentioned that Sally was pregnant.

by Vikrant June 29, 2006

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Social Netwanker

One who relentlessly trawls through myspace and facebook, looking for attractive members of the opposite sex. Once found the netwanker will stalk his or her prey through a succesion of messages and comments, in the misguided belief that at some point there may be some kind of physical liason.

"I opened my inbox on Monday morning and it was full of social netwankers"

by Rudonja June 28, 2007

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