Spreading The Spaghetti means to literally spread your spaghetti so that someone of tall Greek origins can enjoy his meal in peace.
Tall Greek Man Has Requested You To Keep Spreading The Spaghetti So He Can Enjoy This Delicious Meal Of Yeast Brought To You By The Pyramids Of Egypt.
I wanna gang bang a group of midget Indian grandmas! I like to stroke my 500 inch penis and suck my big toe!
I had a hundred pounds of luke spaghetti for shlop!
Noun: derogatory: an Italian-American
Damn spaghetti Americans busted up my shop again
A term of phrase referring to anything made coquette, cute or pinterest inspired.
Person A: Let us have a pizza night!
Person B: As long as the pizzas are coquetti spaghetti
When you are eating ass so hard that his or her tapeworm come out his or her butt to look whats going on and you slurp it down
Man i feel so great, i finally ate brown spaghetti with Susan last night.
N. To throw multiple ideas against out (against the proverbial wall) to see what sticks. Similar to chaos theory, think tank and/or spitball theory. Often used by conspiracy theorists.
Both political parties use the Associated Press (AP) to push their Spaghetti Theory (theories) about rival candidates.