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Holy Ho

A young lady who's at the club on Friday grinding on the dancefloor and at church on Sunday asking for forgiveness.

Brenda-Dang look at Ashley, she's so hungover! That ho is always drunk, last night she was trying to hook up with that bartender!
Byron-Yup, that girl's a holy ho, fo sho.

by susie v January 28, 2009

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hamburger ho's

Any females who will exchange sexual favors for food.

She sucked my dick all the way up to the drive through window.

by e-z money September 29, 2003

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Noun. Name for a female who is very promiscuous, but during the act of sex, she just lays there and takes it. She is a ho, but only engages in the most traditional of sexual positions.

She is very boring in the sack and will never try anything different either because she is too good to indulge her partner, or she is just interested in addng another notch on her bedpost.

Tim: Dude, I totally banged that skank Sabrina last night!
John: Nice, how was it?
Tim: Oh, she just laid there took it; she was totally a trad-ho!

by seeg0039 July 19, 2010

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Any Female GI is a GI Ho. She is typically stupider and weaker then her male counterpart and never makes it quite far. She makes up for this with her extreme violent, vigourous, sexually deviant, greasy butt sex. She never is the reciever and gladly will shove her strap on penis into every guy she meets, much to their discomfort.

I met this great girl at the bar last night she seemed so nice until I got her home. She knocked the fucked out of me and took her pants off revealing a strap on which she then slammed into my butthole. It hurt as bad as getting a schlaktus shoved in there! I guess she must've been a GI Ho

by Dr. Schlaktus March 9, 2009

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Strawberry Ho

Woman selling pussy for drugs.

She a strawberry ho, she'll do anything for a hit

by SandBag November 11, 2007

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Chris Ho

A person that is constantly engaged in "enlightenment" of the mind.

What the sardine bread! I didn't know he was such a Chris Ho!

by ieatsardinebread May 7, 2010

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Timmy Ho

Short for Tim Horton's, also known as "Timmy's" or "Tim's". Tim Horton's is the largest Canadian fast food restaurant franchise and Canadian cultural icon famous for its coffee and doughnuts.

The debunked urban legend that Tim's puts nicotine or other such addictive drugs in the coffee has sparked a cult-like following of caffeine addicts who regularly visit their Timmy Ho to get their fix.

ugh... my head is fucking killing me!! Gotta go see my Timmy Ho cause I'm jonesing for a double-double!

by redsaidfred June 28, 2009

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