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Word Gating

The use of technical terms or over-complicated language as a tool to; Make yourself seem smarter than you actually are or to gate certain individuals from understanding your work who would otherwise understand,

"I want to enjoy reading this but I'm just being word gated. And I just don't understand what is being said."

"I want to get into this industry but the sheer amount of word gating makes it difficult."

by MisinformedOwl February 20, 2023

Mr Brown is at the garden gate

In desperate need to defecate.

Got to go, Mr Brown is at the garden gate.

by The gong practitioner July 17, 2020

Pig gate

David Cameron (former British prime minister) 'allegedly' shagged a pig

guy 1: yo did you hear about pig gate it was right fucking grim
guy 2: yes

by Jolliholli January 19, 2022

Gate religion

A religion created to have the ability to be a born again virgin. The ability to change ur virginity depending on what city you are in or just in general.

Thanks to the gate religions I’m a born again version

by Hotdaddies September 18, 2020

Storm the gate

To disregard all logic and do something crazy as fuck

Derived from the medieval tactic used by armies when attacking enemy castles

Person 1: IDK that might kill ya bru
Person 2:Fuck that shit! Storm the gate

by indigoproxy March 20, 2019

Entering the pearly gates

After a girl has been cream pied by another male, you start fucking her pussy.

Dave: Yo Joe, my girl wanted me to enter the pearly gates after she got creampied by Quandale!

Joe: No way bro she must be for the streets

Entering the pearly gates: After a girl has been cream pied by another male, you start fucking her pussy.

by George Looney IV July 19, 2023

wipe gate

Taking a shitting, not whipping and going straight on for taking a shower/bath.

P1: -Did you just not wipe yourself after no.2?
P2: -No, I'm doing wipe gate!

by alupigus993 May 2, 2019