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A verb of British origin conveying the action of being moody like a woman who has the painters in.

eg to have a fanny-bleed

Joe: I just nailed your old dear mate, she's a rotten old bint...

Dom: You f**kin' what?!

Joe: Alright babe, don't have a f**kin' fanny-bleed about it!

by El Jiddle November 30, 2010

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fanny slamming

right so, fanny slamming is a combination of big dicks and big muscles.

what u do is, spin her around to ur fucking her from the back, put one leg over her leg so its on the right hand side, then push ur cock in from behind,(feels great and tight) then grab her love handles,and gather all the energy u can mustur from ur abs and legs,and start slamming her.

u know when u are slamming her,because her ass cheeks slap together like a bomb going off,and all u hear is her moaning cos its in so deep.

now take my advice and make ur girl cum!!!

i know mine does.

tanks,from the sex god :)

fanny slamming, poking the lungs.

by pornscene August 9, 2009

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Fanny Snort

Making pig noises while licking someone out.

I really like it when you act like a total fanny snort, it turns me on.

by sal&hayley August 28, 2008

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fanny bagging

Placing a bag (normally a handbag) behind your knees and in front of your crotch when sitting down to prevent people looking up your skirt and seeing your knickers

It was nice outside today but all the girls were fanny bagging

by Igle October 31, 2007

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Fanny bitch

a fanny bitch is most commeonly used by such idiots like Bartholemyou!
A fanny bitch is when a bitch has a fanny.

an aisian woman kicking a football away from a helpless young individual, consiquenting in the individual useing the term 'oh you fanny bitch'

by peter conheeny January 27, 2008

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Fanny Mince

It's a word you can use for absolutely anything.

"Did you go to the market today?" - mum

by YourMumgoestocollege March 29, 2010

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fanny hammock

A ladies under garment commonly known as the good old thong

You can see that woman's fanny hammock poking out from under her pussy pelmet

by Lou369 May 26, 2006

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