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cancer crayon

Most commonly known as a cigarette, it's shape resembles an innocent crayon, filled with cancer causing chemicals.

Bob: Bro, I'm gonna go outside and light a cig, you want one?

Harry: Dude, you mean a cancer crayon?

Bob: I guess, but cig or cigarette sounds better.

Harry: I'm straight. Enjoy you cancer-filled crayon

Bob: Will do.

by pseudoslimshady August 30, 2011

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fat cancer

A form of cancer caused by build up of fatty lipids. These lipids grow too quickly for the body forming a cancer. This cancer is mainly formed due to severe obesity. There has only been one reported incident with a 13 year old boy living near Cleveland OH. There are eight different stages in this cancer thoughtfully named "Fat cancer I" "Fat cancer II" "Fat cancer III" "Fat cancer IV" "Fat cancer V" "Fat cancer VI" "Fat cancer VII" and "Fat cancer VIII"

Fat cancer I - the first form of fat cancer starts as small lipid buildup which cannot be seen as it is hidden by layers of fat, thus Fat cancer is unpredictable and little is known about it. These lipid begin eating each other and multiplying eventually forming a type of inbreeding which first produces the malignant tumors.

Fat cancer II - The cancer expands to the brain. The infected person becomes very angered and emotional. The person starts to sleep more and dream of being more social and feels superior. They also feel as though they are intelligent and seem to become "know it alls"

Fat cancer III - The cancer reaches the ears creating a puss which tends to form blisters which infect the area. Bleeding may occur.

Fat cancer IV - The fully developed cancer starts eating away at the brain which depresses the infected and causes the infected person to whine excessively.

Fat cancer V - The person becomes less social as some parts of the brain are lost due to the infection and starts only playing by himself.

Fat cancer VI - This is the least known stage of fat cancer. Some doctors say this stage induces excessive masturbation as the infected become more and more attracted to gay pornography.

Fat cancer VII - The cancer begins losing its power as most of the infected's brain has been eaten and devoured by the cancer. The infected will seem to think they are very intelligent while they are actually extremely dumb.

Fat cancer VIII - The fat cancer eats the rest of the potential organs which results in DEATH.

Son, stay away from that kid, he has fat cancer.

by CookiesR4U May 8, 2008

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Cancer Zodiac Sign

A Cancer (The Zodiac Sign) are very underrated I will start off by saying. Cancers, are funny, caring, loving, and all of the above. Sure Cancers are supposed to be overly emotional, but that doesn't mean that they are a bad person. Just because someone is a Cancer and is emotional (Or not) does not mean they are automatically a bad person!

Sarah: 'Yo I am dating a Cancer!'
Chad: 'Awwwh he has Cancer? Poor thing'
Sarah: 'No sucker, Cancer Zodiac Sign!'

by Squirrels Are Underrated June 25, 2021

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stage 12 cancer

jake paul

stage 12 cancer reminds me of jake paul

by melhascowaids July 21, 2018

Cancer Zodiac Sign

Cancers: Born between the months of June 22, and July 22.

Cancers, are very kind, selfless, beautiful\handsome, funny, person! They are very comforting, and loyal! They will never let you down! If you need someone to cry too, cry to a Cancer! Even though they are supposed to be overly dramatic and emotional, and are named "The worst sign to be," this does not mean any of this is true, as a Cancer myself, I know that I should not let some Zodiac Sign control my life! Cancers are fun, helpful, protective and do get jealous easily (Or not.)
Cancers are also very attractive. They are quite gorgeous actually. Some are depressed some are fine. Some are cry babies, some aren't. Some hide their emotions, other don't. ETC.

Cancer from astrology's perspective:
Cancer, Emotional, cries a lot\cry babies, most dangerous sign, most hated sign, worst one to be, and ya 0-0
Yup that is a Cancer.
Remember you are you!
You're beautiful, kind, awesome, selfless, funny, and wonderful ETC
*Sending positive vibes through the screen*

Woman: I am glad I am a Cancer Zodiac Sign

by Squirrels Are Underrated July 1, 2021

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Cancer Strike GO

Cancer Strike Global Offensive is a FPS game by Valve. In this game you will encounter smurfs, non-bilingual russians and very toxic people in general. You can be as polite as you want, but matchmaking will always drop you to the most angry persons online. A well-meant usable advise or warning to teammates about enemies positions can be met with anything from "shut up n00b" to "i'll kill your mom." Also huge chance of people typing "nice try" after shitty clutch attempt. For most cancer play on european(russian) servers.

person 1: Dude I told you not to play cancer strike go every day - that game causes metaphysical retardation
person 2: cyka blyat
person 1: okay fuck you bro

by BengaliMouse April 28, 2020


the cough you get from using e-cigarettes, although they are considered "safe"

pep: *cough* i think im getting sick.
colby: you got the e-cancer!

by viciousk December 20, 2009

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