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binchy poo

a derivation of sweetie poo, which is a derivation of sweetie pie. calling someone a binchy poo is not an insult but rather a thing out of fondness.

me: siena is the binchiest poo i know.
siena: no, you're a binchy poo.

by tuckalow November 11, 2018

Poo Penis

When you take a dump and poop out a rock hard turd which makes you feel like you've been bummed.

Dave: "I just took a shit and feel like I was raped by a poo penis"
Steve: "Did it flush?"

by playslikebuttah July 25, 2018

bush poo

Taking a shit while camping in the bush, sometimes without any toilet paper and a substitute is a leaf

Guy 1 : Wheres Barry

Guy 2 : probably hangin' a Bush poo

by Pinger Pete February 27, 2016

Alcohol Poo

When you go on a night out and get really drunk and then the next day you have a huge poo, this is referred to as the "Alcohol poo" varitaions exist such as the "Jack Daniels poo"

Steve: "hey mate are you hanging from last night?"
Paul: "Yeah mate just went for the biggest alcohol poo EVER"
Steve "lol"

by Meowfriend February 25, 2013

Dutch Poo

When you crap in a services toilet with the toilet seat down.

Ahh mate, I was in such a rush, I had to have a Dutch poo.

by Yeet90 November 15, 2020

Poo Kiss

Otherwise known as skid marks, Poo Kisses occur when wiping was not done thoroughly enough. Often seen on white fabrics such as bedsheets, towels, or underwear, Poo Kisses are poop stains that are imprinted by one's butthole, resembling actually kiss marks.

My mom told me to buy black underwear because these white ones always show my poo kisses.

by Draghi1000 February 22, 2011

Precautionary poo

The kinda dump you have before going out for a meal, or a night out on the lash etc

Brb man, gotta go for a precautionary poo, don't wanna be turtlin' all night!

by M_R_B May 9, 2009