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Soft Cock

An individual with no useful traits

That guy is fucking useless, he is such a soft cock

by Anonymous August 25, 2003

14๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Soft launch

The act of farting in your hand and slowly throwing it in your significant otherโ€™s face.

I soft launch (ed) my ol lady today right in the mouth and ended up pocketing her as well.

by Soft launcher November 20, 2021

56๐Ÿ‘ 168๐Ÿ‘Ž

Soft War

Soft War is war which is taken part after end of cold war between Putin's Russia and US. Soft war is also war between Internet heroes and different software.

Russia lost in cold war but is winning in soft war.

by carusel_man1 March 31, 2014

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Soft Lunch

Giving a blowjob to someone with erectile disfunction.

"I met up with this guy yesterday for a hookup, talk about a soft lunch."

by UncleJup July 3, 2019

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feels soft

this very interesting phrase means that a person might feel a connection when with someone, but in reality just friendzoned them

oh shit that girl just said she feels soft when shes with me
nahhh dude she just friendzoned you so hard

by wata admirer December 5, 2018

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Soft Serve

When someone shits in your mouth

Dude 1: So what'd you and Sarah do last night?
Dude 2: Soft serve.

by triceratops January 7, 2017

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Soft 17

A 17 year-old girl who will turn 18 within a week. Like the blackjack hand, it may be pemissible to hit on a soft 17, but not a hard 17.

Dude, she's a soft 17. If you were to hit that and get caught, the judge would probably go easy on you.

by Ludditeright October 5, 2010

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