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poop culture icon

A celebrity, character, object, or symbol whose exposure in poop culture is regarded as constituting a defining characteristic of a given society or era.

An example of a current poop culture icon is the fabulous and ubiquitous poop emoji which we all have at our fingertips!

by Dr Bunnygirl May 23, 2021

Cultural Cross-Pollination

Gahnt's Power Move. 100% effective on Connor.

"I was wondering how much Cultural Cross-Pollination is between HololiveEN and HololiveJP

by TrashTasteSimp November 14, 2020

109πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Woke Culture Vulture

Anyone who seeks to find something offensive in something that really isn't offensive in hopes of causing massive outrage while getting social media approval in the process.

I can't believe the Woke Culture Vultures came and found something offensive with what Barry said -- None of us even knew saying someone who had dark eyes was offensive, racist, problematic, misogynistic and rooted in white Supremacy.

by F-Face Kat June 29, 2021

80πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

mass cultural delusion

A common misbelief shared by many of the same culture or region.

Penny: Um, me, okay, I'm Sagittarius, which probably tells you way more than you need to know.

Sheldon: Yes, it tells us that you participate in the mass cultural delusion that the Sun's apparent position relative to arbitrarily defined constellations and the time of your birth somehow effects your personality.

Penny: Participate in the what?

--Big Bang Theory

by Leo Baker August 14, 2012

18πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Marijuana Kitchen Culture

Drugs and debauchery in todayΒ΄s professional kitchens.
Chefs getting high on marijuana.
Also known as haute stoner cuisine.
Restaurants created specially for the tastes of the slightly stoned chef.

"What an astonishing flavour! I must congratulate the chef; so creative"

Yeah, he must be deep into Marijuana Kitchen Culture.

by rperazag May 20, 2010

90πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

An F in pop culture

An expression someone uses to claim they no little/nothing about celebrities, movies, TV, current events, music and other related topics.

I don't want to watch the Bill and Ted show at Universal guys, I won't get the references, because I have an F in pop culture.

by sdkvndsjnvkjsnDVL/kv April 9, 2011

Black Appeasement Culture

The culture of black appeasement, also once known as "negrophilia" can date back to almost a century, and is identifiable by its sheer affinity and preference towards anyone or anything of African descent. Over the years, it has made individuals and institutions appear more popular by street-level standards by being "cool with the black dudes" and pretending to be in tune with their way of thinking. This was prominent in 1960's America where pop groups of the time paid great homage to blues artists like B.B King & Muddy Waters, emulating their style and lingo which later influenced the entire black-appeasing hippie presence - evolving through decades of Afro-tainted pop culture. Even now, into the 2020's, the word on the street is still fundamentally 'black' where youth of all races have unwittingly borrowed style, music, speech, expressions and even mannerisms - originating from African origin. Modern media and advertising heavily reflects this in films, television and all pop culture where mixed-race dating is always an emphasis. To even challenge this may land the 'challenger' in politically correct condemnation even in the name of free speech. The 'word on the street' is BLACK and has been for decades. It remains that way, not for the achievements of civil rights, but for the sake of an unchallenged street credibility.

We must stop this black appeasement culture of BLM and its followers.

by daretobeunpopular October 18, 2020

42πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž