Hey let's go to that burger restaurant and fuck shit up!
One way shape or form either alcohol or any sort of drug. Yeeeahhhhh!!!! Has you fucked up from floor up. I mean it’s awesome.
Did you just come from a party because YOU LOOKED FUCKED UP FROM THE FLOOR UP?? drank or smoked way to much.
Party on
when you're absolutely devouring a lavish piece of food
i'm fucking this shit up, this poptart go crazy
someone that can't just shut up that has a constant start arguments no god damn reason typically these kinds of people sending youtube shorts
just shut the fuck up why the hell are you always starring an argument for no goddamn reason and no don't give me no fuckin excuse It's common sense and then whenever we say you always start arguments you always have to defend yourself but look at that now you're the one arguing so how about we stop this entire goddamn thing cuz it's already retarded anyways
When some one shits their fucking pants because they got fucked up 10-1000 years ago
Friend: I just saw someone with a Shited-ass that was fucked up like 1000 years ago HAHA!
You: How did they get fucked?
Friend: Some one said Your mom gay and she wasnt able to say No u
You: Ok that sucks, im gonna take a fucking piss
Friend: Wait n- *fucking dies*
Stranger: SUCK MY B-
You: Shut the fuck up, your mom gay, go the fuck away, hello sir.
Stranger: *fucking explodes*
An op word to tell another human being.Mostly known for making that person actually shut the fuck up.Also is very fun to say out loud.
kid:HHLUHU:FH:I :FHF:HF HF H: FH FH:UFH :UFHU: FH: A:FH !@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@#$%^&*(F FH KLFLHFA:HH:FJVBDAKADOMG I LOVE FORTNITE AHHAHAHAHDPHFUHUFFHUYF*(T&Y*QR&($))*$)&!*$7$*!*_!$**)$*$!)*_$*$_$**$__*$($(&_*&()_*&)*(_*&**
You:do me a favor and shut the fuck up