Juan is one of the most kindest people you could ever meet, and a great boyfriend to have. He has a really unique personality, he's really kind when you get to know him. He's incredibly smart, and understanding and you can talk to him about your problems any time. Juan can be a little bit cheesy sometimes but that only makes him better. He's really protective over what's 'his', and gets jealous quite easily. Juan's a real big flirt.
stooooooooooooop Juan in a flirty way
My name is lamaugh Whyte and i love to ride Juan's dick it's extremely and it makes my booty hole I love u Juan
a really hot guy that loves to punch holes in his wall !
-bro is that a fire?
-nah thats just juan.
is the best boyfriend you will ever ask for will always tell you that he misses you and LOVES YOU everdayyyyy has a great sense of dirty humour is kind knows how you feel even if u didnt tell him sexy abs and veiny arms.
Juan is a four legged big boi who likes balconies.
Joe: "Dude, did you see Juan the other day?"
Mike: "How did he get up there?"