Source Code

Bill Tin

One of forsen's least favorite things while speedrunning Minecraft. Chat spams this whenever forsen finds a ship or bastion that's built into the ground or roof.

Chat: *Spams "Bill Tin" along with various differing emotes*

by Luzay June 22, 2023

Bill Clitton

The infamous American former commander-in-chief with such rip-roaring “raging whoremoans” that he possessed an insatiable craving for women’s “equatorial regions”.

Bill Clitton may have felt smugly self-satisfied and derisively-amused about all of his extramarital “triumphs”, but I'm guessing that his wife didn’t find the whole business one bit “Hillary-ous”.

by QuacksO November 8, 2018

Pulled A Bill

Being .001 Red In Drag Racing

Person 1 : How red were you.

Person 2 : I was .001 red.

Person 1 : Oh you Pulled A Bill.

by Timothy rock May 1, 2023

Bill Cosmopolitan

1/2 oz of Fresh lime juice, 1 oz Cranberry juice, 1/2 oz Cointreau, 1 1/2 oz Vodka Citron, 1 tablet of GHB. Serve chilled. Garnish with slice of lime. Will most likely cause the consumer of the beverage to pass out, leaving them open to sexual violation.

Frat Guy #1: Hey, so how are you gonna try to get Vanessa over there to fuck with you tonight?

Frat Guy #2: I'm thinking about fixing her a Bill Cosmopolitan. *winks*

Frat Guy #1: You smart ass motherfucker. Go get her Brock.

by SuperNerdToTheRescue November 19, 2016

Doing the Bill

When one plays a first person shooter against others and needlessly creeps around corners, crouching or walking, thinking they are being sneaky. Usually followed by either getting shit all over, or pulling some miracle our of his/her's ass and shitting all over the other team.(Must be 3+ survivors on the other team for this to be considered a miracle)

Wow are you really crouching while going through a door? Crouching when YOU know THEY know your there does not make you invisible... Stop Doing the Bill and use some common sense

by OneShotDrop November 13, 2011

Cousin Bill

(N) a person that is or creates an atmosphere of buzzkill. A person who always stays sober at parties and tells everyone not to drink. The origin of the phrase most likely comes from switching the first two letters of the syllables in buzzkill to kuzzbill, then lengthening it to said phrase. This phrase is mostly used in the presence of the Cousin in order to not hurt his/her feelings.

Sean: Cousin Bill sure is bringing me down tonight, she won't even have a Johnnie Bomb!

Nick: Tell me about it. The Cousin keeps telling me to stop drinking, what a drag!

by Johnnie Bomber June 15, 2014

clean bill

To drop a grand or more in one sitting.

Dude 1: "How much did u throw down on that whistler trip?"

Dude 2: "At least three clean bills bro!"

Happy Japanese guy: "U guys did some damage!"

by chaser85 March 10, 2015