When your telling someone your on the way to them.but instead your making up more lies about not coming.
Hey you said you were gonna be here soon, but I see your just being a Lauren ms with time.
a very annoying teacher that wont stop talking
Ms skypeck is a &@*#!
A science teacher that thinks they know everything about everything, but doesn't even understand how the students work best.
Oh its 'Ms McDougall'
ms tammy grande is a person whos name is tammy or nick name as tammy and they're an amazing singer u can also call then tammy ms grande
hello ms tammy grande!
hi ____(ur name)
how have u been tammy ms grande?
good what about you ____?
approximately 12,500 m&ms
person 1: you should buy 25 pounds of m&ms for your girlfriend
person 2: why would i need 12,500 m&ms for her?
person 1: why not?
A straight up fucking whore that eats blue waffles.
Ms. Duzak eats blue waffles for her morning breakfast and is a bitch to everyone.
Ms. Francisco has a beautiful voice. Her voice can out power everyone's voice. Her strong wonderfulness. Is great. She reminds me a wonderful artist that has no name. She has beautiful blond hair that flows through out./ She is always smiling and she is the best teacher ever. Her talent is in the arts and she is the master at that. Her smile can make you go.. woow.
Ms. Francisco is my vocal teacher.