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pterodactyl egg

A large hump on a fat person's upper back. It looks as though they are harboring a pterodactyl egg that could hatch out any minute.

Kristine's shirts had difficulty fitting because of her large pterodactyl egg.

by ihatebuffering March 7, 2011

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Lamby Egg

a sincere term of endearment for someone you adore or love. Male or female. To be used as a noun.

"Hey Lamby Egg, come on over here & give me some luvins"

by C Luv & C Dub January 26, 2008

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Scotch Egg

A Person or Object pertaining to be Scottish or to support Scotland while actually being a 'Useful Idiot' for any organisation that is seen to be overtly unionist or otherwise reprehensible, or in general a bigotted racist twat. (The Scotch Egg is not and never will be Scottish)

"See that Duke of Argyll, He's a fucking Scotch Egg and no mistake!" "That boy with the Rangers Tartan Kilt is a pure Scotch Egg" " See that twat with the tricolor shorts and his entire family dressed in celtic tops he's a fucking Scotch egg "

by Big Stewart January 7, 2019

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Egg Plantz

Egg Plantz is a plural synonym for the common phrase "thick chick." An egg plant is a woman who is sexy in her chubbiness.

Egg Plantz is a song by Blaze Ya Dead Homie, off of his CD Clockwork Gray.

Shaggy 2 Dope loves to bang Egg Plantz.

by HarleyQuinn91 October 27, 2009

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background egg

A fart in which you are not sure if it actually exists around you, but you can smell a hint of egg.

poor mate, have you farted, that has to be a background egg

by STEVE December 6, 2004

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Cream Egg

When you ejaculate into a woman's vagina and proceed to eat/slurp it out with your mouth.

"Hey Sid, Jordan, come share this Cream Egg with me!"

by PenguinWanker January 26, 2018

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cuckoo egg

When you pick a big booger and put it into a passed out persons nose.....laying the cuckoo egg

When you pick a big booger and put it in a passed out persons nose....laying the cuckoo egg

by the don don March 21, 2014

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