Caleb McCarron-Row is the man of the hour 24 hours a day. His blond hair shines through the night and he is always supported by his two right hand men Jude Flynn and Hayden O'Rourke that are always helping with his countless women problems
Caleb McCarron-Row is so fit
Caleb Gonzalez is a boy who is funny, cute, handsome, strong, outgoing, kind, creative, courageous, hardworking, charismatic, and generous. He is quite literally everything your looking for in a boy, he's got messy black hair with rock hard abs and a really cute face. Caleb is quite literally the definition of boyfriend material, and one day he wants to be a football player (soccer if your a dumb idiot) and he is definitely going to be one in the near future. If you happen to know a boy named Caleb Gonzalez the best and smartest thing to do is wife him up immediately.
Did you see that boy named Caleb Gonzalez??!?!? he's so cute!!!
a sussy tampon that is furry uwuwuwu
that bitches name is caleb thamban
Having withdrawal-like symptoms from your super hunky boyfriend.
“I miss you. I’m having Caleb withdrawals 😫”
“I don’t feel well, I think I’m experiencing Caleb withdrawals.”
caleb louth is a angry fat jew who likes to jerk off in his moms closet
caleb louth looks like sid form the ice age
a person who writes weird semi-deep shit on urban dictionary thinking no one will ever see it
a hipster who was hip before it was hip to be hip
checkout out that guys reversible plastic yellow cowboy hat, he's definitely a caleb dixon