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rhinestone cowboy

A gay cowboy (redundant), usually out of the closet, and flaming (i.e. stiletto boots and zebra print hat). Rhinestone Cowboys have also been known to ride the horse from the under side.

No, your cowboy shirt isn't salmon or mellon, it's pink. Get over it.

by Derek February 21, 2005

48πŸ‘ 135πŸ‘Ž

midnight cowboy

A female who "rides the bull" at night
Intercourse when the female is on top of the male "riding" him.

That girl is one hell of a midnight cowboy, she's wild

by Ranch October 22, 2004

39πŸ‘ 108πŸ‘Ž

Drugstore Cowboy

A popular internet blogger and vlogger, known for his retellings of near-misses with the moderately attractive "ho's" that he attempts to score with throughout the San Fernanado Valley.
The Drugstore Cowboy is recognised for his creative vocabulary when identifying different types and attributes of the female and her anatomy.

See also "Drugsto' Cowboy" in Urban Dictionary.

"She started askin me all kinda questions about Terrance but I wanted to keep the conversation on the two of us so I broke teh news to her about his lazy eye and how he smells like Fritos."
-From the blog, "Ho's and the Olympics" by The Drugstore Cowboy

by Ryan Bodel January 4, 2009

16πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

Cowboy Coffee

Reverse cowgirl sex before 10am that concludes when the woman lifts her ass into the air before orgasm and projectile shits into the man's mouth.

The best part of waking up is morning sex followed by a steaming hot cup of cowboy coffee, straight out of your lady's ass.

by A. Beaverhausen June 27, 2014

6πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Sedona Cowboy

When yo hoe let’s you put your mushroom headed meat hog in her mouth and drains your sack like a broken balloon only to feel your manliness push and pop against her cheek while flinging your baby batter like a slobbering St. Bernard.

My hoe loves St. Bernard’s like she loves a Sedona Cowboy

by Daggerosso October 20, 2019

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schizophrenic cowboy

a person who is completly random

bob- look at that guy over there
steve- damn, what a schizophrenic cowboy

by OaklandRaiderEJ April 13, 2011

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Backwards cowboy

When Adam hall hits the juul to hard that his body did a backwards cowboy

Adam did a backwards cowboy on Vesna

by Adamwilllllletttt December 19, 2018

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