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Dumb Fu

When two people, whether mentally challenged, or intoxicated, or both, decide to get into a fight by trying to do the moves of various martial arts, only to awkwardly fall over themselves doing kicks and flips in the most uncoordinated and clumsy manner. Often involves the two participants ripping off their shirts and yelling like in a cheap Kung Fu movie.

"At the party, two dudes got wasted and started to argue - later they were fighting in the parking lot. Both were trying Dumb Fu, but got more hurt hitting the ground or pulling their muscles doing these crazy moves, than actually hitting each other! It was so funny to watch!"

by joe995 January 7, 2024


When a severely crippled person tries to do Kung-Fu but realizes their legs no longer work properly in order for them to do said Kung-Fu moves.

"Did you see that Crip-Fu?"

"Yeah, silly Cripple, Kung-Fu is for those who can walk."

by Mysterious Frying Pan May 15, 2017


expertise or mastery of any FNF character's fighting style

I have studied Funkin-fu for months

by Gfshusbandforever January 30, 2022


Subgenre of the martial arts movie.

Kung-fu movies were extremely popular in the '70's. After their waning success, filmmakers used increasingly outrageous tactics in order to further exploit the genre including, but not limited to, adding vampires, limbless fighters, sex and gore.

I'm watching 'The Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires'. It's a wrong-fu movie in which a couple of martial arts masters fight Dracula.

by Jazzisa September 17, 2017


Eating a girl out that has the runs.

I went down on my girlfriend and she had the runs and left me with a fu-man-chew on my chin

by Eric70 September 12, 2016

Fu Q

A word that means ‘fuck you’, or if spelled ‘fuq’, fuck, that dumass middle schoolers use on their video games when their moms block swearing.

Whadja name your car?” “Fu Q” “Haha that’s sick” “Mom thinks she’s so smart”

by pro2a July 15, 2020

Chi Fu

Stands for Chicken Fucker. One who fucks chickens.

Pete: Yo momma is so fat, when she sat down in high school class, she sat beside EVERYBODY!

Spence: Chi Fu

by Splancer April 8, 2006