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Minced Meat

When your dick is torn up and raw from a long, weekend sex marathon. Usually feels on fire for days.

The weekend with Rachel was Hot. She fucked me all weekend. But paying the price with this minced meat. Got a get some salve braaaahhhh.

by Eaton Holgoode December 8, 2017

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meat scooter

A solid-hoofed four legged creature, at times domesticated and trained to run fast, aka the horse.
Runs on hay fuel.

"Look at the bobby trying to catch the thiefs on his meat scooter"

"Those jockeys are racing along on their meat scooters!"

by Thelissie January 21, 2008

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Skirt Meat

When Someone is so obese that their stomach does not stop at the waste line. It is like a spare tire but not around your mid-drift, however around your pelvic region. It hangs over the genital area.

"OMG!!! That girl is so fat, she has a horrible case of skirt meat!"

by xosusanxo March 8, 2009

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Meat Mountains


Man, look at her massive meat mountains!

by Onesie January 2, 2009

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Meat circles

A soft, slightly smoked, bright red, circular sliver of meat that is commonly found on pizza. Meat circles can last up to 3 weeks after being opened.

Only a cool nigga can eat meat circles, so if you're friends with someone who does you better cherish them.

Pepperoni and meat circles are two completely different things, never ever mix them up.

I love meat circles on my pizza.

friend: "What did you eat before you got here?" Me: "oh, I had pizza with meat circles and tiny hats !"

Bro I think your meat circles have gone bad, smh.

by asillykiddo November 6, 2019

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Meat pie

An Irish boi named Glen

Stop being such a meat pie

by julian007 May 7, 2021

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Meat Rocket

noun/: a penis of large proportions

he woke me up by slapping me in the face with his meat rocket and told me to get the fuck out.

by ballzdeep April 11, 2005

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