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Blowjob Crew

A group of 5-20 children ranging ages to 7-15, that where gangster style clothing and try to act "Gangsta" and try cause trouble, it is also a type of "lose" gang where the young children have a certain "Hang-Out" otherwise known as "turf", these groups are usually disbanded when it is time to go home or there is another engagement where a member has to split from the group. Blowjob Crews never have a consistent amount of people and the numbers are always changing. Most Blowjob Crews like too just look "Gangsta" and don't try to cause trouble or intimidate anyone. Blowjob Crews, in many cases, hate other Blowjob Crews, but in rare cases Blowjob Crews have been know to join to make a bigger Blowjob Crews and sometimes they ally with one another letting the other pass though with out intimidation or harm. Blowjob Crew usually patrol there "turf" from other Blowjob Crews or walk aimlessly around. Blowjob Crew are usually looked down on as a "poser" gangs, but some people have come to embrace this as a part of who they are. See "BJ Crew". (I take full credit in the description and the invention of this definition, Alex Moe is my friend and stole it from me...this is the true definition thank you)

"My God! This is a huge Blowjob Crew I'm going home!"

Moe: "You wanna form a Blowjob Crew and get some friends and hang-out or walk around?"
Katcher: "Sure man!"

Blowjob Crew 1: HEY, YOU GUYS SUCK!!!
Blowjob Crew 2: OH YEAH, SUCK MY DICK!!
(Fight may breakout depending on the violentness of each individual person in the Blowjob Crew 1 and 2)

by Joseph Catanzaro September 20, 2006

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blowjob red

The shade of red that one's lips turn from prolonged kissing, dick sucking, or enjoying a nice cherry popsicle.


Person 1: "I wonder what that girl was doing behind that building over there."

Person 2: "Her lips are blowjob red; someone must have been having a good time back there."


"I was eating a popsicle and now my lips are blowjob red!"

by New Cancer July 12, 2012

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Blowjob Derby

Setup: Two friends that are both guys, and two girls (they don’t have to know each other)
The Rules: There will be 1 guy per girl, and vice versa, so each guy gets 1 girl. The girls begin giving their partner a blowjob when the guys say go, whichever girl makes her partner cum first wins, the female winners prize: they get to fuck the male loser with a strap on, and the male winners prize: they get to fuck the loser female.

Chad: bro i came first, so now i get to fuck Amanda, and Katie gets to fuck you with a strap on LMAO
Chet: dammit! i guess rules are rules… i always lose the Blowjob Derby.

by MateoTheGreat February 1, 2022

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Blowjob Month

In the month of October all boys can get a blowjob when ever they want one, or girls can give one when ever they want

Boy: Girl give me a blowjob

Girl: No eww

Boy: It’s blowjob month

Girl: Ok pull down your pants

by Del baba October 7, 2019

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Titty Blowjob

When a baby feeds off a mother's tit and drinks the milk.

Person 1: hey what were you doing?
Person 2: just letting my baby give me a titty blowjob.

by Finley Is A Hoe December 6, 2019

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reiki blowjob

A semi-promised blowjob from a significant other that results in nothing beyond feeling more stressed and frustrated than you were before

My wife knows what I want for our anniversary and it better not be a fucking reiki blowjob!

by AK Urban Definitions June 1, 2022

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Blowjob Day

On October 9th all girlfriends must give their boyfriends bowjobs without exceptions. If your girl does not do this you are entitled to 5 free blowjobs whenever you want.

Girl: Hey it’s national blowjob day, lie down

Boy: Guess it is

by Bigblacksock69420 October 6, 2020

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