Fuck, fucking, fuckie, fucky, fuck'in, fuckly, fucken, FUUUUUCK, and/or FUCK YOU.
Fuck you Jerry, just fuck you.
A word that can be used in any sentence and still make sense no matter what it’s the coolest most amazing word because it can be used to get your point across very effectively.
You’re a fucking asshole, go fuck yourself and make like a tree and fuck off.
Clever. Reaaally clever.
You think you're SO witty, looking up fuck on Urban Dictionary? What are you, 2? Get off this website.
Looking up fuck on Urban Dictionary? Don't you have anything better to do?
A word my mother uses quite often
example: you're a fucking FAILURE!!!
Fuck is the word for get the fuck away from me you dirty bastard
"get the fuck away you brachlan"