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an ancient expression of relief or excitement which has been used in many scenarios particularly in friend or social groups where a idea or issue is shared throughout it.

and the term can also be used in basketball when a person scores a particular type of shot.

for e.g. one guy says to another on a school day:

that examination was a "BIG oof"

other guy: yeah i'm finally glad its over. Oof

basketball reference:

*guy does alley oop and scores*

crowd: OOF

by the memer... November 26, 2018


The most useful thing I’ve ever heard of....... You can use Oof to reply to anything.... it’s amazing and it has caned my life <3

Fuck boy: Sean’s nudes
Me: Oof

by Random “Human” August 23, 2019


A word used for times when you don’t know what to say, after a conversation. Or sometimes it is used to end conversations.
In short, the best word to ever exist.

You: I just broke up with my girlfriend
Me: Oof *walks away*

by officer S February 8, 2019


A saying used when something bad/unexpected happens. A word only Aubree Babb can use, & not Payton Huffman.

Aubree: “Payton’s an asshole”
Kayla: “Oof

by aubsafuckenlutely July 23, 2019


A sound effect in Roblox when you die.

*XxScrubLord420xX jumps into the lava*

XxScrubLord420xX: Oof!

by GoFlushYourToilet September 2, 2017


a friendly way of saying something is triggering, exciting, or upsetting you

ex.) Oof! this computer is slow
ex.) Oof i love that shirt you are wearing

by HamDak June 4, 2018


A word from a game named ROBLOX, when you die it says “Oof”

*Jumps Off * .. *Dies* Character: OOF

by IssaDictionary December 25, 2017