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Crank Skanks

The most badass female bike gang ever.

Crank Skanks will rape your dad, piss on your christmas tree, and eat your children for breakfast. Then, the

Crank Skanks will rip your pants off and repay you with sexual favors.

by crankyskank#2 September 1, 2009

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scooter skank

A skank who moves from cock to cock so swiftly it may lead one to believe that she occupied and or is occupying a scooter

Mary aint nothin but a scooter skank

by biggmike February 9, 2009

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A guy who is the lack of class, usually one to sleep with many women, and have a low i.q

Man, That boy sleeps with a lot of gross women, hes such a gentle-skank.

by Katiwest May 4, 2009

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chasing skank

To pursue women of questionable morals; to philader.

David Pitcher enjoys going to Vegas and chasing skank.

by David Pitcher August 27, 2003

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skank ho

A girl (or boy - yes boys can be them too see PIMP) who sleeps around a lot.

That kid is a skank ho, she sleeps with everybody.

by Alex August 7, 2003

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fugly skank

Fucking Ugly Skank (Mean Girls)

Natalie is such a fugly skank

by i f'd your mom twice April 15, 2007

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piggy skank

An overweight woman of questionable morals.

Jeannie's a fucking piggy skank is what she is.

by gramaticon August 2, 2005

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