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Small pp energy

When you see a big truck being loud

*sees truck*
"HAHA, that's some small pp energy"

by shmacker7777 February 24, 2021

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small king

A man who believes he is king with a small penis

Poor small king

by Sassyturt September 27, 2015

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small paul

a guy with a very small penis and an annoying personality

Guy #1: The shirt I'm wearing right now cost me more than what your entire wardrobe is worth.
Guy #2: Shut up, small paul. At least I have a dick that I don't need a magnifying glass to see. When was the last time you got laid, by the way?

by Dick Bigginton May 9, 2011

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Small Island Syndrome

Brexit in a nut shell; the result of ignorant, very misinformed brexiteers that do not seem to understand that Britain is a small island between two massive more cultural and economically developed continents.

That and the fact that most of even the original Anglo-Saxons are Danish (european in origin). The British isles has seen many mass migrations from Europe over thousands of years. More including the Romans (Modern Day Italians), the Vikings (Modern day Scandinavians), the Normans (Modern day French/Viking mix) and even the original Celtic inhabitants of the British Isles originally came from Hallstatt (modern day Austria; and spread all over Europe). As well as yet more migrations from other tribes.

In the modern day wake of WWII; brexit is an example of an increasingly ignorant; uneducated population.

Thats right Brits you and the Germanic peoples are the same historically; whether you like it not!

Brexiteer 1: "Shit the economy is fucked!"

Brexiteer 2: "Bloody foreigners; bloody Polish, its their fault!"

Observer 1: "I wonder what the educational attainment is of these two ignorant halfwit Brits - who watch the news too much?!"

Observer 2: "Yes but do not worry its that Small Island Syndrome because of Brexit; these fuckers do not even understand that they are related to europeans!"

by The_Resurrected April 26, 2019

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small penis motorcycle

small penis motorcycle

a motorcycle that is way too powerful for a man, but he rides it because it overcompensates for his small penis.

A small penis motorcycle is a motorcycle way more powerful than the skills of the rider, but he chooses to ride it to overcompensate for his genital inadequacies.

by HyperNCecil December 8, 2013

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small town girl

Your girl-next-door who is not afraid to drive her man's truck, loves to shoot her 22, make Mossy Oak look hot, spends our summers at the lake, and our favoite place to eat is our back yard. We all think that big trucks are better than sportscars, and a good farmer tan turns us on.

All cowboys love a small town girl who is not afraid to get her hands dirty.

by small_town_kid May 11, 2008

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Small Mouth Disorder

A rare yet serious disorder which gives the victim the appearance of a small fish such as a bluegill. It also makes it impossible for the victim to digest foods other than M&M's or raisins. Also known as Bluegillitis.

I often wondered why Craig looked like such a bluegill until I found out he had Small Mouth Disorder, or Bluegillitis.

There is little hope for those with Small Mouth Disorder. Poor Craig, they may never find a cure.

by jajajajaja040404 October 26, 2009

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