this is a New York slang that crips usually say or other gang members who fw Crips.
omb jaydee once said "im wit the rips! when you see us coming you better dip, uhh"
Algorithm Wit; when noticing information attached to you're social media time-line, that has a connection to your own posts..
Wow! that's great influence information posted, but did you come up with that or is that algorithm wit?
A bunch of hood kids who come from a small city who claim they're rappers and rent a "recording" studio for an hour to spit shit.
Hood Kid #1: "I'm with the Bro's wit bank Rolls."
Man: "What's that?"
Hood Kid #2: "We rappers."
Man: "OH..."
When you're about to be solo'ing an army and need strength
You: "Heavenly Father, bear witness as I show you the strength of your creation"
Enemy army: *Running away from fear as you lock in*
Being a princess is a colossal half-witted infantile fantasy.
Someone stupid, dumb, or dull. e.g; little sisters
The person who doesn't approve this word is beef-witted.
You chill with this person and they leaving
Friend: Alr i’m dippin deuce
You: Alr ion fuck wit you