Head of the male penis that ironically resembles a British police helmet.
Ouch! Just caught my Bobby helmet in my zipper.
Basically, you laying there dead on the pavement with a white chalk outline of your dead carcass due to a large caliper weapon(like a .44) used to blow your brains out with one hollow tip. Leaving you lying there for everyone to see with your Helmet (slang obviously for head) Hung or Hanging in a Hung position.
Gangster #1 -"Holy Shit Blood, look at that dam cat over there chalked out in white!"
Gangster #2 "Oh shit, his helmet is def hangin! Yo, it must of been a "fo fo" for sho!" Now that's a Helmet Hang if I ever seen one!!!
A condom
Got to run by the store and grab a box of gutter helmets before I hit that skanks' place.
Helmet Chew - The act of a novice or rookie performing fellatio on an uncircumcised penis, and chewing on the excess skin during a flaccid moment.
History: Found most commonly among drunk girls after they have had sex with drunk guys
I woke up thinking I had stuck my cock in a grinder, she helmet chewed me last night and in the morning to wake me up.
She has a helmet chewing attitude.
To gain and erection and successfully ejaculate to a set of hentai pictures found abroad the internet.
John said, "Woah, I just made the biggest helmet! These instructions are really thorough. Awwwww yeah!" "John," Said Hailey, "You are really hot whenever you're making a helmet on my face.
The Canadian battle helmet is even more sought after than the Canadian belt buckle. It requires greater overall penis length, and fantastic fortitude.
Whereas the Canadian belt buckle requires simply exposing ones testicles (beautiful ones only), the Canadian battle helmet requires much more. To perform this, a males must takes his penis, wrap it around beneath his testicles and have it then drape over on top of the scrotum. This will now resemble a Trojan war helmet: the penis representing the nose guard, and the testicles the eye holes. To be truly successful, a man must use a “male landing strip” of pubic hair, more commonly known as a “genital Carlton”. I have NOT accomplished this task with the genital Carlton.
He totally showed her the Canadian battle helmet! Didn’t know he shaved like that!