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Originating from a 1960s scientific term for people with IQ below 55, is now a generic insult, usually to people who are or act stupid.

You idiot!

Don't be such an idiot!

by TheChudeDude April 18, 2016

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Someone who lets a very hot girl go. And will never lose his virginity

1. That kid over there!
2. Casey?
1. Yeah hes an idiot
2. Oh i know he let the hottest girl ever go
1. I want to hit that girl lets hope shes single

by EATJTCP January 18, 2010

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idiotic idioms

1. a term used to describe certain idioms that are idiotic.
2. A person who is gifted and intelligent and is well known throughout certain parts of the internet. Liked and loved by mostly everyone.

1. The coast is clear.
2. Me.
3. idiotic idioms, just because I have to use the word in the example.

by idiotic idioms June 27, 2006

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idiot stick

A toy, made of a wooden tube with a dowel rod attached to a bullet-shaped cone. The dowel has a notch near the free end so that when it is inserted into the wooden tube, the notch is supposed to hook over a rubber band passed through the tube near the far end from the opening. It is called an "Idiot stick" because the dowel is not long enough to hook the rubber band so that when it is pulled out it will snap back into the tube when released. The operator must squeeze the bullet end and thereby propel the dowel back with the illusion it is being done by the rubber band. The "victim" will try for a long time to hook the rubber band, therefore looking like an idiot--especially when it is finally explained to him!

Search for "idiot stick" and you will find pictures of them for sale under Americana or folk crafts.

by Doc Conner January 4, 2009

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Idiot College

The University (sic) of Georgia

Idiot: "I wanna apply fo a job"
Potential Employer: "Which college did you attend?"
Idiot: "UGA, go dawgs arf arf arf arf"
Potential Employer: "We don't accept people from an idiot college"

by ramblin wreck February 9, 2009

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idiot shivers

A full body shiver that occurs immediately after doing something really stupid that should result in serious injury or death, but without any negative consequences. Often occurs while driving.

After running the red light and nearly getting t-boned by a semi, I immediately started having idiot shivers.

by Foole May 14, 2006

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fucking idiot

A fucking idiot defines the worst kind of person; a person you wouldn't mind running over with a 400 tonne tank while their kids watch the blood and guts fly everywhere in a beautiful explosion. A fucking idiot, resembles someone with Trisomy 21, but with lessend side affects. I mean, they could be retarted, but they're not. There's a reason they call it "fucking idiot" rather than just "idiot". This is because this particular person with an IQ that makes their age probably has that extra twinkle of idiocy. Every word they speak has a tinge of "kick me down the fucking stairs." These fucking idiots make you want to pull your hair out because you rather bleed, and suffer in excruiating pain, if only to experience the sweet release of death, because it is the only way to get away from "fucking idiots". Now don't get the phrase fucking idiot confused. If fucking is used as a verb, this may mean something very different. You may be thinking of someone called an "idiot fucker".

"Hey" said Paul to Stacey, "look at that Jake Paul-er dabbing over there. He's being a fucking idiot!"

by Ah D poo October 10, 2017

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