Source Code


The lower limit on the age of a potential partner for a person over 14, by socially acceptable standards. Used as a rule of thumb.

The converse is twice-(your-age-minus-seven).

The following online calculator makes the math easy and also calculates how long until an UNacceptable relationship becomes acceptable:


Dave: Yeh man, I totally banged that Kath chick last night.
John: Are you a pedo?! She's 15!
Dave: Nah, she's 15 and a half, half-your-age-plus-seven, I'm 17, so half my age is 8.5 and plus seven is 15.5.
John: ...Doesn't change the fact that she's my sister...

by SolF1729 June 19, 2011

609๐Ÿ‘ 322๐Ÿ‘Ž

Half your age plus five

Same as Half your age plus seven, but is the rule in Tasmania.

Alex wanted to date Meg but the 'Half your age plus seven rule stopped them'. However they both moved to Tasmania and because of 'Half your age plus five' rule they were fine.

by yourfriendlyearthmover1 October 28, 2010

26๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

software version age dating

revealing your age by referring to the old software you used to use

I though he was like 25 but then he told me that he used to use Illustrator 88 ... so using software version age dating he must be at least 40.

by pixelfairy July 30, 2008

3๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

M.A.N.S (Middle Aged Nazi Syndrome)

When someone worked in a job for ages and is in a powerful postion ish and is a moron

My Boss Mr Reid has got M.A.N.S badly the fuck wit

by Rand January 12, 2004

38๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

teens (ages 8-19)

Pre teen
Old teen
Mid teen

Early teen
Young teen
School age
Pre adolescent
Junior teen
Repost teen
Yesterday teen
Newly teen

Beginning teen
Ending teen
Half teen
Post teen
Puberty ages
Pubescent child
Young adult
Pre adult
Pre tween
Post child
Little man and woman
Late childhood
Big kid
Mature person
Curious ones
College kid
Young man and woman
Sporty teen
Young people
USA sweetheart
Teeny bopper
True or false kid
These are all the words for ages 8-19.
People who believe 13-19 or 10-19 are extremely wrong. After all teens all up to your imagination and the imagination part means teens so 8-19

Another word for teens ages (8-19) are here.
Well which words do you use most commonly? I use teens. Well these are terrible ages lol.
Teens are ages 8-19 that's what I consider people say 10-19 or 13-19 but I believe 8 and 9 years olds are starting to be part of Middle School and they are learning sex ed like 10-19 years olds so I will say they are teenagers. These are all of the words for 8-19. Did you find the ward teens are ages 8-19 you can use many of these words that mean the same thing just to refer to which one you're talking about.
1 Boy So what are the teens ages?
2 boy Some say 13-19 or 10-19 but I believe personally 8-19. You can use also these following words
Teen teenager pre teen old teen mid teen early teen Young teen schoolers school age pre adolescent Junior etc. Think about it it would make sense for 8-19 you can look up all the words for ages 8-19.
New Girl : people say 13-19 or 10-19 but that just ain't true and let me show you why. Well we have imaginary dreams at ages 8-19 so making it teens because teen used to me imaginarian in the 80s.
So teens (ages 8-19)

by 459395 February 6, 2022

2๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


Other people are getting the reverse rule wrong. It would not be twice your age minus seven; it would be twice (your age minus seven).

- Dude, you're 40 and dating a 27-year-old. Isn't that a bit gross?

- Hey, half-your-age-plus-seven.

- Oh? So that means you would go for twice-your-age-minus-seven? So for you that would be 73.

- Actually, it's twice-the-quantity-your-age-minus-seven. So 66.

- ???

- I'm guessing you're too dense to see this algebraically. It's alright; we can take our results and work backwards. 73/2=36.5, and 36.5+7=43.5. However, 66/2=33, and 33+7=40. Got it?

- Ah, OK. So you'd go for a 66-year-old then?

- Fuck no.

by randomname25 February 27, 2010

530๐Ÿ‘ 486๐Ÿ‘Ž


This is a very old rule of thumb: it is the calculation applied to a man's age that provides the age in a woman that he is most naturally attracted to physically. (Things change of course once you begin to actually TALK! :-o )

In recent years it has been misapplied to mean the lowest age that would be considered "decent" for him to date.

This new interpretation of the rule is actually quite bizarre when you consider the remarkable range of maturity among adults of both sexes at all ages.

That 50 year old think's he'll be able to romance that 32 year old. I'm not surprised he's attracted to her - she is the proverbial "half-your-age-plus-seven" - but let's see how far they really go together.

by Art M. September 11, 2009

352๐Ÿ‘ 366๐Ÿ‘Ž