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your world

A sarcastic comeback to someone who likes to complain about your shortcomings.

It's your world, Ro, I'm just living in it.

by kb69 November 20, 2003

17๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

World of Warcraft

I'd like to clarify the whole all girls who play WoW are fat and ugly and easy. I'm a girl that plays WoW I'm NOT fat nor am I ugly. WoW is one of the most addictive games online, taking up a lot of your time and money.. and friends. It is also one of the most wicked awesome games ever invented. With the exception of soulbound items and such it is definetly better than, dare I say, Halo.

Most of the girl characters on WoW are actually guys that are complete pervs with nothing better to do in life but watch an animated girl run around and hack at things with her sword while dancing like a complete whore. But the rest of the girl characters are actually girls playing WoW, most are fat and ugly but you will find the rare awesome looking one that looks just as hot as their computer animated character.

by Amer March 14, 2005

114๐Ÿ‘ 140๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pixel world

Its like growtopia but it is less cancerous and has better staff than growtopia.

Me : Hey, want to play pixel world?

Friend : Ye sure, you play growtopia?

Me : Fuck off.

by Succ Dicc May 23, 2018

17๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

World of Warcraft

the worst game in the world. it is known for being more addictive than heroin. and it sucks in many people from all cliques, ages, and races. it pulls them away from social lives, except trading stories with other WoW players. it is also the reason that many college students drop out, or high school students fail classes. also, it is a sad waste of many to have to play a game every single month. it is also the reason many virgins stay virgins.
for any mother reading this: it is one of the best forms of birth control. =

hot girl: Hey, do you wanna go out some time?
gamer: Go away! I'm playing World of Warcraft!

gamers girlfriend: wanna make out?
gamer: shut up! im playing wow!

girlfriend: wanna have sex?
gamer: no! shut the fuck up! im playing wow!

by wowsucks.com January 16, 2009

22๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Disney World

A mystical place where sex does not exist.

The last place I want to go for my honeymoon is Disney World

by alex from accounting September 23, 2011

55๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž

world cup

BILLIONS watch it

with over 30 countries competing
the world cup is the biggest stage on earth

even if you hate footbal (as i do) you still have to watch as its just so gripping...the world cup is for europeans,africans,and south americans. its not really for americans as they think soccer is shit.

the world cup in england is amazing.when an england match is on
the roads are empty

during the cup,every single advert you see is about this amazing football tournament- from gillete razor blades,to macdonals,to car,tv,perfume/cologne adverts
its the biggest 5 weeks of your life!
if you come to europe or any other country apart from the USA you will see how big and how the world cup can dominate you life for its duration

people become so passionate about the cup,as you support your country.they leap and scream as someone scores a goal or is given a red card

the world cup provides drama that no fiction author could make up

"omg did you see when beckham missed thate penatly in the world cup"

by shar7p July 3, 2006

155๐Ÿ‘ 202๐Ÿ‘Ž

World Hunger

World hunger refers to the second definition, aggregated to the world level. The related technical term (in this case operationalized in medicine) is malnutrition.1. Malnutrition is a general term that indicates a lack of some or all nutritional elements necessary for human health (Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia).

Many children are dying from World Hunger everyday

by andandandandpeggy October 19, 2016

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