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hanging with the clowns

Going to visit your dad and his family(see clowns)

If you dont shape up young man.. You'll be hanging with the clowns

by mike August 2, 2003

3πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

hanging brains

When a guy bends over naked and all you see is his droopy nut-sack.

I was completely into Ted until he bent over, hanging brains.

by damedonna July 3, 2006

9πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž

Wall hanging

1. A thing that hangs on a wall. Normaly for decoration. Not normaly for storing cutlery.

2. There are no more...

My, what a most impressive wall hanging...but,whatever is that fork doing there?

by lemonvenom October 8, 2004

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Louisiana hanging

The act of nailing a guys penis to a high wall and watching him hang there.

Nicho- Dude, this man raped my sis yesterday.

Austin- noway!! What did u do?

Nicho- I gave him a Louisiana hanging.

Austin- he had it coming!

by Doworkallday May 5, 2010

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The time between first getting the urge to shit, and when the turd hits the water.

β€œBro how were those tacos last night?”

β€œPretty good, but I’ve been in hang-time since early this morning”

by Colon Muncher April 24, 2019

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hang station

A rundown chunky cheese perfect for hanging niggers.

I found the best hang station last we to hang that nigger Caleb

by MyDadBeatsM3 July 11, 2017

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hanging sock tits

Phrase used to describe a set of boobs so unattractive that they look like a pair of socks hanging from a clothesline. Hanging sock tits are mostly fat with little breast tissue. The complete opposite of a nice set of tits.

Brenda looks like she has hanging sock tits in that bikini top. Be prepared to vomit if you look at her.

by sciflyer.25 June 17, 2014

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