Like the landlord from the later seasons of Three’s Company but between a dog’s haunches
“Did you ever see that old movie with the talking fish?”
“You mean The Incredible Mr. Limpet?”
“Yeah yeah the incontinent limp bizkit, whatever. Anyways doesn’t that red rocket remind you of the voice actor?”
“Talkin’ bout Dog Knotts? Jesus, I could go blind from how shiny that thing is.”
when a man is having sex with a woman then he pulls out and smashes his dick with a hammer
yesterday, i smash dogged myself when i was banging my girlfriend
A form of Chocolate Hotdog where the last bit of crap fall next to the Bottom of the Toilet Bowl.
This can happen on purpose or by accident but whoever pulls their pants down on the toilet will get crap on their pants.
They then sit on their office chair and stain that too.
Frequently used by disgruntled employee's.
your teachers nasty feet are showing
Affirmative. A more holy & humorous replacement for the phrase “on god”.
“Sheesh we got so much work to do for math” “On dog bruh”
“My mother died” “On dog?” “On dog my mother died”.
Sacked out on the sofa all day.
"Man, I've been working like a dog", he muttered into the phone, his feet up, eyes on the game, the bag of Doritos on his chest almost empty. There must have been a time, long ago, he imagined, when dogs spent their lives herding cattle from sunrise to sunset, but any actual 21st century dog he knew was lazier than The Dude.