"bear was so angry at tiny southerner, she was ragin' like a fox!"
likes it up the buttholelikes it up the butthole likes it up the butthole likes it up the buttholelikes it up the butthole likes it up the butthole likes it up the buttholelikes it up the butthole likes it up the butthole likes it up the buttholelikes it up the butthole likes it up the butthole likes it up the buttholelikes it up the butthole likes it up the butthole
likes it up the buttholelikes it up the butthole likes it up the butthole
1. touching the LIKE button while in a small bag sewn into or on clothing so as to form part of it, used for carrying small articles.
2. touching oneself inappropriately through the front of the pants
E.G. 1 - I just pocket liked something on Facebook by accident.
E.G. 2 - I just picked liked something in my pants, and its my penis.
Having absolutely no purpose or use.
I can’t stand John at work. He spends all day floating around like a fart in a bottle while the rest of us are grafting.
When you have sex with many different women within a period of about one month
Jasper: yoooo Luke I heard you were Bangin like a boomer recently!
Luke: yea I hope I didn’t get any std’s!
When something is of a large size like Jeff Bezos' wealth.
"Yo that truck is big like Bezos my dude!"