Bro we lost juice wrld today, legends die soon,December 8 was a terrible day
National call and tell your crush you like them day!!
You- Hey..I like you
Crush- Oh.. I kinda like you aswell..
You- It’s December 8th too
December 8 is Nicki Minaj’s day. On that day we stream the Queen’s music from 00:00 to 00:00.
- Its December 8 PLAY ANACONDA!!!
- But-
- *gunshot*
G: You know what today is right?
B: December 8?
G: Yes, ask your crush out day!
Go get em’ tiger
8=====D means dick when you're too lazy to type it.
hey {insert bf name here} i came to see you're 8=====D tonight.
National hug you crush or bae day!!!!!!!
hug your bae or crush is what march 8 mean